You tv series
You tv series

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So for a thriller that was previously known for dealing largely in shock value, Joe's actions – accompanied once again by his over-indulgent inner monologue – now start to wear thin to the point of becoming predictable. It was always going to be a challenge for a third season, particularly when the foundations of You are built on its protagonist's compulsive need to act out the very same pattern of behaviour over and over. While giving the fans what they've tuned in for, this does also pave the way for some repetitiveness in the narrative. To give you some sense of how this plays out, the pair end up taking baby Henry along for a good old woodland burial. Fans will be pleased to hear that this doesn't last long (it's a weird thing to congratulate, but we concede it would be a completely different show otherwise) and neither Joe nor Love are able to suppress their darker instincts. Still, this innocent addition to the couple's lives sets them both on a path somewhat in the direction of redemption, hoping to put behind them their murderous ways so as to set a good example. This just about allowed the show to skirt around what would have been a hugely eye roll-inducing trope "very bad man wants to better himself because having a daughter has shifted his perspective". The season picks up with an increasingly frustrated Joe, who is disappointed to learn that he and Love are having a son.

You tv series